Friday, July 01, 2005

A trip to my hometown

A trip home is not always a fun time. There are only a handful of people I enjoy seeing in my hometown. My parents and just a few others. I'm amazed at the amount of rednecks that swarm the city. The amount grows each visit. Did I not recognize them when I was growing up? I move away for a couple of years and the whole place goes to pot. Shameful thing.

There's most definately more than a handful of people that I do not want to run into while I'm home. Running into them is enough to make my eyes roll and do an about face and walk the other way. I don't like dealing with them. I'm never in the mood for them to give me the 411 on their life. Most of the individuals I hope not to see are the people I went to school with, basketball teammates and their parents. They are a group of individuals who will say anything to let other people know how better they are than you. Assholes. There's always a sense of competitiveness. Get over it people. It's quite childish.

After graduating from high school, I had the feeling that I had been placed on some type of Pollyana pedistal. That I was some sweet natured, never do anything bad person. Do you have any idea how mad that makes me. Ok, so I was a sweet tempered person in high school. My weekly church attendance developed me into a very kind, never harm anyone individual. (I still don't like to hurt people - that's just mean.) But I hate to think back and realize that my classmates probably saw me as someone who would stay on the straight and narrow.

My response to that... I just want to give them a toast with my shot of bourbon saying, "fuck you all." Follow that with a nice cigarette. It's liberating.

1 comment:

Aimless Chatter said...

thank you festinog. how could i forget my vibrator? silly me.