Saturday, April 30, 2005

Speed Dating

I have a friend who can talk me into almost anything. (I just get tired of trying to say no. She wears me down.) So, she's got into her head that we ought to try speed dating. Let me tell you, she has researched this thing to the very detail. Me, I've only heard about it. I know the basic details and know that I don't want any part of it.

From what she tells me, these "Speed Date" events occur at coffee shops, the men are the ones who usually move from woman to woman, and you only have a couple of minutes to talk with the individual. What can you say in only a few minutes? ...

"How are you?"
"It was nice saying hi to you."
"Have a good night."

Okay, maybe I'm being really sarcastic and cynical about the whole thing. She tells me the concept is based on first impressions. See, that's the bad thing. I'm not the best with first impressions. I need the 3rd or 4th impression. I don't believe in love in first sight. Lust at first sight? Absolutely. Infact, I've had that many of times. Probably speed dating isn't for the 'love at first sight' concept. At least I hope not. It's has to be the lust factor.

My friend will probably talk me into this thing. I can't let her do it alone, and since she really wants to do it (but not alone), I'll have to do it. I can tolerate it for one night. I mean it's 'Speed Dating.' It shouldn't take all night.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Getting Back Home

I moved to Ohio about 8 months ago. Since that time, I've wondered when will I have the chance to return back home. Will there even be a possibility? I like to rely on my gut instinct. There are just times when timing isn't right. And sometimes the Higher Power shouts a "no" to you (yes that has happened, and I was smart to listen). But how do you quiet the green jealous monster inside that wants to develop when I hear my friend has the opportunity to return home? Our home is virtually the same place. I listen to my gut. The timing isn't right. The timing is perfect for my friend. I'm finally getting settled in Ohio, and I need to explore this place. It's all in the outlook. (That's my rose-colored glasses talking.)

All in all, I hope she this opportunity works out for her. There's a slow desire building in my heart to find out what there is to enjoy while I'm here. Take the time to discover myself. See what I'm made of. I never really had the chance to do that back home. We'll see what happens.