Friday, June 16, 2006

What should I talk about?

I'll talk about the Morman twins.

  • They aren't really twins, but certainly Mormans. Males who are a part of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints usually spend time as missionaries. They go door to door in groups of two not necessarily spreading the word about Jesus Christ but more about their church. Since they go in packs of two, I've decided to call them twins. Let's forget a moment that I'm a Christian. I have to say that because I really dislike the Morman church. I call it a cult. They are some of the nicest people around. Very polite. I personally think they are brainwashed. (Of course, there are plenty of people in this world who think Christians are brainwashed too.)
  • I recently visited my sister and was rewarded with a visit from two twins. I was the only one around and I did not want to talk to the fellas. There are alot of people who don't. But I try not to be mean. They are only doing their job. I say job because at a certain age, they are required to leave their family and be missionaries. As far as I know they don't have a choice. They were quite persistant, but I was persistant with my "no" response. I chose to be very vague about when my sister and brother-in-law would return home from work. I know they can handle their own with the twins, but I didn't want them bothered by them.
  • Looking back, I wish I was a smart ass to them. But that's hindsight, and honestly something I wouldn't really do. I just don't have it in me to be mean to them face to face. Like I said earlier, they are only doing their job. Now, my athiest friend, her and her husband gave them the riot act when visited by the twins. They hate missionaries. Doesn't matter what kind. I don't think my friend would accept my argument they LDS is a cult church. In fact I don't think everyone would believe my opinion on the church. They are nice people.
  • On a side note, my closest friend gives me a wicked grin if I ever mention the Morman twins. All because I made one comment about them. The library were I work is close to where some of the twins live. They use the library computers for email. So often I see them with their startch white shirts, black trousers, tie, and name tag. Some are quite cute and I think, "Damnit, why do you have to belong to that damn church." There are times the evil, wicked side of my brain just wants to mess them up. I think what I said to my friend was, "I just want to jump their bones to mess them up."
  • She's never forgotten that statement.


Amanda said...

It's not manditory (well in Canada its not) but very much frowned upon if you don't do your two years of "service". My friend left last summer for Texas (lots of Mormons from my area go there, why I dunno) and he was not allowed to communicate with his family except for a phonecall on Christmas, and on mothers day. I heard a rumor that the higher-up Mormons believe that when you die, if you are worthy, you become the God of your own planet. Of course, a woman must attach herself to a "worthy man" in order to become the God of HER own planet. Funny how that works eh? And it's true, Mormons are THE NICEST people you will ever meet, while most Christians are hypocritical bitches. There's something wrong with that statement...

Aimless Chatter said...

There's no one that I personally know who is a Morman. What I know about the religion is based on what I've read, watched on television and been told. Based on that, I don't trust the religon.

Aimless Chatter said...


Sometimes Chrisitans are hypocrites. I can say that because I've seen it in many churches and from time to time, in myself. It's not something I'm proud of and I try to avoid it. I try to be honest about my faith and how I mess up on occassions.

I was reading the book "Secret ceremonies: a Momon woman's intimate diary of marriage and beyond," the author mentions that marriage pushed upon Mormons to marry.

Here's a quote...
"The importance of such a marriage (outstanding Morman marriage) was the primary lession of my Mormon girlhood, when it had been repeatedly impressed upon me that if I failed to marry faithful Mormon manin a ceremony perfrmed in a Mormon temple, I would be denied access to the highest Mormon heaven. Mormon heaven is very complicated: it is made up of three graduated 'kingdoms,' but only the uppermost tier - the Celestial Kingdom - has any real status."

Later the author goes on to say she was given a secret name during the wedding ceremony to her "outstanding Mormon" husband so that when he crosses over into heaven he can call out her name to bring her with him. He, on the other hand, needs no special name. He's hitched, he dies, he will cross-over. (That sounded really caullus.)

Aimless Chatter said...


One thing I hate about the book of Mormon, there's no exhaustive concordance. Was the statement about black people mentioned in the book of Mormon? I never heard that particular statement, but I one of the documentaries I watched about Black people in the Mormon church was eye-opening. They don't appear to be favored in the church.

I borrowed the book of Mormon from the library because I did want to see what was written in it. That book is so boring. I can't tell you how many times I read the phrase, "And it came to pass...." Now the Bible, that is a piece of literature. Some people may disagree, but here in the United States the Bible is studyied at many colleges and universities (private, public, religous, and secular) as a piece of literature.

And the holy underwear, I heard about that one too. In the book I mentioned in the previous post, the woman received her "underwear" on her wedding day, and as she says, "I was wearing long johns." Poor thing.

As for polygamy, the church gave that up years ago, but some extremists still practice the act.