Friday, November 04, 2005

A sweet old lady and Sen. John Kerry

One artform that must be developed as a public librarian is to listen to people's opinions without presenting your own comment (that is, if it is different from the person talking to you.) We librarian have the job of being completely unbiased. No matter our thoughts, religious or political views, or anything thing else, we are not to make comments which would (what's the best way to put this?) hinder one's experience at the library. The library is a place where all thoughts and opinions are welcomed. At least in theory.

I like the fact that a public library has this intention. I like working at a place where I can present material to people which they want to read and learn about. No matter the subject. Just this week I browsed thru our Bible to make sure a gentleman had the King James Version to study. No other version would do. Just two days later, I helped two teenage girls find books on Wicca. They wanted spells and charms, and I hated to tell the girls those books are frequently stolen. Some people would be thrilled with that notion, but stealing is stealing and I hated not being able to provide those girls with the books they wanted.
There are times when I really want to state my opinion on something but I have to bite my tounge. And to tell you the truth, had I been outside of the library talking with one particular lady I still would have held my opinion back because she was just as sweet and nice as could be.
An elderly lady comes up to the desk wanting books about history. Actually biographies. Particularly in Hollywood, and she would be greatful if it was about Dean Martin. Once in the stacks, she quickly changed her mind to political biographies. She's read every book about Lincoln. Loved reading about the Kennedys. Especially about Jackie O.
She just likes to chat and I couldn't help but want to listen and talk with her because I had the feeling she was lonely and doesn't talk to many other people. And how can you not like a woman in her 70's who gives a great description about a relative who... "wore a pinstripe satin suit, looked like a used car salesman, but was nothing more than an alcoholic jackass." Right there at the reference desk in front of everyone. I couldn't tell her to watch her language, because I would have loved to have heard it again.
But once we are in the stacks, she's browsing through all the biographies, making comments about a couple, and she comes across a Sen. John Kerry biography. (A biography promoting Sen. Kerry) She holds the book out and says, "Oh I just like him, don't you?"
O, how can I answer that question without sounding rude? Thank goodness she wasn't looking for an answer and just went on talking. It wouldn't have been nice of me to say, "Hell no. What an ass. The Democrats couldn't come up with a better candidate then him? What idiots. I don't even buy Heinz ketchup."
I hope to see her again some day. Even though she's a fan of Sen. Kerry, she brought a smile to my day with her comments about her relative. There's nothing like a 70 year old lady swearing.

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