Friday, January 26, 2007

Stressed Out

I've stressed myself out to the point of sickness. Headaches. Stomachaches. Pain in my neck and shoulders. I do whatever I can as a form of stress relief. Crochet. Knit. Sew. Read. Color (yes, I've been coloring but staying in the lines have a tendency to stress me out.) I'd go for a long drive in the car, but gas still isn't cheap and there's no lovely scenery around here. I would shop, but a review of my finances tells me it's not a good idea.


Jeanne said...

I don't know what to suggest. Perhaps a jigsaw puzzle? It's quite cathartic. Cut out all scheduled activieties that aren't a must. Cry.
I've been there myself, about two years ago. I had to take sick leave for a couple of months, and then study while working partime for a year after that before I started to feel positive about anything again. I hope you aren't so trapped by your financial situation that you can't take it easy when you need to.

Something that's fun is to look at pictures on google. Just do a search for a word like lake or mountain, and go traveling.

Now, why don't we blame it on the irishman? If he'd been doing his duty you'd be happy (or happier) and distracted.

Aimless Chatter said...

You mention a jigsaw puzzle, and no kidding, I started one today before I read your suggestion. Amazing.

No matter how silly, big, or small, I'm finding what makes me smile and I'm going with it. So if my computer desktop shows the Care Bears, then so be it. If my computer screen saver at work shows a countdown to St. Patrick's day with a bottle of Guinness on display, and people think I'm a drunk, then who cares. The people who know me know that I won't drink more than 8 ounces of that stuff.

I agree with the picture idea, though I never thought about browsing Google for them.

As for the irishman, well, it's not nice to talk about people who aren't around to defend themselves. p.s. - we could possibly make his blog our own with our comments.

Jeanne said...

I would never say a bad word about the absent. I was just hoping he'd feel my eyes burning into the back of his head, and turn around.

Aimless Chatter said...


I know you would never say anything bad about the absent. That was also my way of doing what you just accurately put into words.

I wonder if his ears are burning.

Jeanne said...

I hope so.

Jeanne said...

Send me an e-mail sometime.
Neither of us seem to be getting any blogging done, but I'd like to say hi every once in a while anyway.

Anonymous said...

Hello there. Still alive. Hope you are well. Are you well?

How are the toys?

Can you guess who I am?