Thursday, February 02, 2006

Just my opinion...

I've been paying attention to the news about the Muslim anger over the Muhammad cartoon. A Denmark paper displayed a cartoonish like figure of Muhammad wearing a headdress in the shape of a bomb. Jordian and French newspapers have reprinted the cartoons and it seems all hell is breaking loose. Many Muslims are angry, burning Denmark flags, boycotting Danish products, and etc... (I've been reading the BBC news online, so look there if you want more information, or some other news place if you like.)
I'm going to sound incredibly mean when I say this but, "Boo hoo." Jesus Christ has been mocked for years. Though I admit I'm not the best example of a Christian, I believe Jesus Christ to be my Savior who died and rose from the dead, and I have to witness people mocking Him everyday. There are plenty of people in this world who don't agree with my faith. They find it to be silly, close-minded, and unfounded, and they poke fun at it. That doesn't give me the right to act in hate towards those people. Infact, if I do what the Bible says I ought to do, it should be just the opposite. Show love and compassion.
Earlier tonight I was thinking about all the times the name Jesus Christ is said in vain. (It's a big no-no for Christians). Or how about hearing the phrase "God d*mnit." It's said all the time. Television will bleap out the word "fuck" but not "God d*mnit." (I'm using the * because I don't like saying those two words together in a phrase. I know it's strange, I'll say "fuck" but not "God d*mnit." Don't worry, I rarely ever say it. ("Fuck that is) I mostly say "damnit" when I'm mad.) My best friend when on a rant one day about the entertainment industry using the G-D phrase all the time. How could I explain to her that there are plenty of people don't care about that phrase? Only to certain people is the G-D phrase a bad thing to say.
I've never heard people take Allah's name in vain. I'm trying to imaging hearing it... "Allah Damnit." Hmmmm? I don't think it has a "ring" to it. Or if you happen to hit your toes against the bed post would you yell in pain, "Muhammad!"?
I may have to try that some day.


Amanda said...

Oh my goodness, I completely agree. The muslim community is just waiting with baited breath for stuff like this to happen, so they can cause a big hullabaloo. I like your idea of faith. Act with compassion and understanding, in spite of adversity. Pretty sure some (not all) muslims skipped that one in sunday school.

Jeanne said...

When I was young my little brother used to tease me. He made me loose my temper every time. It was not what he said or did, but the mere fact that he was trying to tease me that infuriated me. I think it's the same here. It's not the thing itself that causes the anger, it's the knowledge that it was done in order to get a rise out of them. It is very degrading to be treated like that.

Aimless Chatter said...


I can always count on you to provide a different angle to looking at situations.

P.S. - I wish I had my camera today. There was a beautiful photo opportunity on the ride home from work. Two deer eating in the cornfield with light snow coming down.