Friday, September 02, 2005

Though the destruction of New Orleans is on my mind, I'm going to force myself to think on other matters. I've seen the news broadcasts, read the news articles, and my heart just can't take it right now.

So, I'm going to ramble about a new book that has surely pissed some people off. It's titled, 100 People Who are Screwing Up American (and Al Franken is #37) by Bernard Goldberg. And before you say anything, yes I completely know it's authored by a gentleman who's opinions are on the right. George W. Bush is not even mentioned. That's proof enough that it wasn't written by a democrat.

I don't agree with every person on this list. Some should have been higher on the list. The author has left out quite a few people - the televangelist Pat Robertson isn't on here. The U.S. Secretary of Defense isn't on here. But I'll give my two cents about some who are listed....

#99 - Matthew Lesko - this guy can make my job very difficult. He has made tons of money promoting his books that claim American's can receive money from the U.S. government to pay bills, start a business, travel the world to do research, pay off your mortgage, and etc... You need money for something, he will tell you how the U.S. goverment has the money for it. What a bunch of crap. Yes the gov't probably has extra money for some purposes. But you better be ready to jump through hoops to obtain it. If there really is a hoop to jump through. Many people come to the library wanting information on free money for whatever they need. Good luck finding it. It's almost impossible to find it. But, here's Lesko offerring his books that say "Yes! it's out there!" You wouldn't believe the amount of people who ask for his books. I show them the books and wish them luck.

#85 - The Dumb Celebrity
#84 - The Vicious Celebrity
#83 - The Dumb and Vicious Celebrity
I can't put into words how thankful I am that Goldberg included these in the book. Those included are Cameron Diaz, Fred Durst, Kate Hudson, Janeane Garofalo (mentioned 3 times), Alec Baldwin, Sean Penn, Martin Sheen and others. I can separate celebrities contribution to the arts (if we should call it that) and their political opnions. Sometimes I agree with their political opinions, but I just about had it when during the 2004 presidential election many celebrities attempted to tell people how to vote. And as many put it, half of American's are uneducated and stupid. I didn't realize having a different opnion was considered uneducated and stupid. Well, maybe I am stupid and uneducated. I mean, I have paid hard earned money to see some of their bad acting, and buy their terrible lyrics. I will exclude Janeane Garofalo from this last statment, because she does make me laugh and it's not her fault she was in the movie Mystery Men. Or was it?

#71 - Phil Donahue - considered one of the pioneers in television talk shows. I remember as a young child walking around my house to hear Phil Donahue on the television. My mom watched his show all the time. I admit, I haven't read the author's opinon on Mr. Donahue, so my only comment can be, I never liked his hair.

#53 - Anna Nicole Smith - if you've had the chance to see her reality television show, then you should know that I don't need to make a comment.

#20 - Howard Dean - I'm not going to say I hate this man. He looks to much like a friend of mine who happens to be a die hard Republican. Not something my friend is proud of, and he doesn't think he looks like Howard Dean. I'm afraid I offended him (my friend) when I told him the similarities was striking. What I am going to say is, I can't help but admire a politician who goes on television and does something unheard of with out the thought of his/her actions. He SCREAMS. The scream heard all around the political arena. And as for my previous statement about the "... the politician who goes on television and does something unheard of with out the thought of his/her actions," there's plenty of examples that will prove me wrong on that. A.K.A. - "I did not have sexual relations with that woman."

That's enough for now. Have a good day everyone.


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Aimless Chatter said...

I deleted a spam comment. You didn't miss anything. It wasn't even exciting spam.

Aimless Chatter said...

I wasn't as lucky as you to receive the "penis enlargement" spam. Why do I receive the boring spam?