Monday, March 27, 2006

Fuck Politics

Please excuse the very blunt title I've presented to you, but that's the mood I'm in. It's been a bad day everyone. Thank goodness for the little 10 year old male who came to the library looking for music by Eminem and Johnny Cash. He provided the chuckle I needed to finish the day at work.

Let's see here, what exactly happened today? I had the misfortune of finding out by accident that I did not get the job I wanted back in Kentucky. And, I could be seeing things that aren't really there, but I think politics had a part in why I didn't get the job.

I like my job here in Ohio. I don't care for Ohio, but I like who I work with and for the most part, the people who come to the library. But, a job opened up at a University in Kentucky for a Justice and Safety Librarian. The topic alone grabbed my attention. There aren't many specialized libraries in this particular subject matter, and I wanted it. I applied for the job, but I kept in mind that I don't come from an academic library background. I was really surprised when I had my first interview with the university. By telephone no less. Flabbergasted (did I spell that correctly) that I was offered a 2nd interview. This was an all day interview in which I had to give a 35 minutes (actually 45 minutes) presentation.

I talked with the Dean of Libraries who informed me there were over 100 applicants for this position and another open position combined, and I was one of three people asked to come to campus for the 2nd interview. They were looking for someone who was interested in the topic (hell, that was one of the main reasons why I applied) and not for someone just looking for a job. The search committee chair said she is still working on contacting the candidates' references. (Each person had three.) My 2nd interview was last Thursday, and they were going to decide early this week.

Imagine my surprise when I see this email come through my inbox...
"The good news is that Nicole has been offered and has accepted a
about which she is enthusiastic. She will be Justice and Safety
at Eastern Kentucky University. Justice and Safety is one of the
at EKU, and its library is one of the branch libraries in the EKU
system. She'll provide instructional services and general reference.
The bad news is, of course, that we'll lose her; Friday April 14 will
her last day here. We'll start at once to look for a successor.
What a difference she has made in the 15 months or so she has been
Affairs Officer. I've thanked her any number of times for coming to my
the school's) aid, and I want to thank her again.
I know everyone joins me in wishing her well in her new position."
Dennis Carrigan

Now this D. Carrigan had no idea I would be seeing this email. This was sent to all the students on the Library School listserv, which I still happen to be apart of. He had no idea that I applied for the job, nor that I was asked for a 2nd interview.

One, I was hurt to find out this way, and to know who did get the job. I know for a fact that this Nicole has been searching for a job since she graduated from Library School. 15 months and she now has one. I can't help but think back to the conversation with the Dean of Libraries in my interview how they aren't searching for someone who is only looking for a job, but someone interested in the subject matter.

Two, I can only imagine the three people Nicole listed as her references. This Carrigan is the Assistant Dean of the only College of Library Science in Kentucky. She would have been crazy not to put his name down along with the Dean and other Library School professors on her resume. How the fuck am I suppose to compete with that?

Three, the search committee chair never checked up on my references. She talked with one. She and my current boss (and reference) kept playing phone tag. I know because my boss is truthful with me (and I didn't hear his phone ring.)

So, I'm pissed off. Rightfully so or not, I'm still pissed off. And hurt.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

The Upcoming Class Reunion

My 10 year +1 high school class reunion is set to arrive in just a couple of months. I am glad to inform everyone that I will not be going. I have no intention of attending a reunion where I feel more people will be concerned on how better they are doing than everyone else. I graduated with a bunch of people who had the need to be better than the person they sat beside in Homeroom Class.

Technically there are probably only a handful of people I don't want to see, but knowing my luck, they will be there. And it will be enough to make my time there miserable. My mom seems to be more interested in knowing how my former classmates are doing than I am. What was that phrase she asked me the other night... "what happened to that guy I wanted you to date? what was his name, Kyle, Craig, Scott, etc...?" In my head I'm thinking, the guys names were Brian and Shane, and you know all about them.

The invitation included a questionaire to fill out in which my responses will go into a directory for our class. The one question that amused me was, "What is your funniest memory of high school?" (I talked this question over with my sister, I need help with the answer.)

"Don't you have a memory of someone falling down in gym class?" she asked me.

"Yeah, it was me." Yes, I had the nice fortune of falling face first on my stomach in gym class infront of Jeremy D., Travis U. and Jennifer L. After playing three different sports in high school, you'd think I would not trip over my own two feet to kiss the ground hard. Oh well.

Once I thought about it, I do have a favorite memory of high school. It was hearing that "good natured-never do anything wrong-look at me I'm great" Kellie G. was late to school because she was pulled over by a police officer for not stopping at a stop sign. (People didn't know her mean and evil side like I did. We spent 8 years playing sports together on the same team. I got to know her fairly well). Interstingly enough, she married a police officer who ended up trading sexual favors with women (or woman, sorry) that he pulled over on the road for law violations. Humm.